Below you will find a list of magazines or zines in which I have participated with illustrations or comics. // A continuación encontrarán un listado de las revistas o zines en los que he participado con ilustraciones o cómics.

PESSOA PLURAL – Issue No. 19
Digital literature magazine published by Brown University (Providence, USA), University of Warwick (Coventry, England) and Los Andes University (Bogotá, Colombia.) 2021.
I contributed to this number with 1 B&W illustration for the cover and with the design for the cover.
ISSN: 2212-4179

CAMPFIRE COMICS & STORIES – Biannual issue No. 1
Comics and illustration anthology published in Minneapolis, USA. 2021.
I contributed to this number with a two page B&W comic about ‘the fire party’ I used to celebrate every year in my school.
Comics written and illustrated by: Felipe Camargo Rojas, Antonia Bañados, James Bascara, Peng Wu, María José Castillo, Luisa Rivera, Felipe Muhr, Manolo Moreno and Diego Cumplido.
Ilustrations by: Kyle Harabedian, Jo Yeh, Mengqian Chen, Xiaojie Liu, Bowen Tan, Xiaohua Yang.

ILLOZINE – No. 34, Scary Issue!
Illustration anthology published in Minneapolis, USA. 2020.
I contributed to this number with two B&W illustrations based on short stories written by american author H.P. Lovecraft and german author E.T.A. Hoffman.
Illustrations by: Brian Lutz, Felipe Camargo Rojas, James O´Brien, Eric Hanson, Ryan Peltier, Alexander Mitchell, Paolo Chiesurin, Anthony Russo, Kyle Harabedian, Darren Shaddick, Ann Kiernan, Blair Thornley and more.

EL MALPENSANTE – Issue No. 219
Illustrated literature magazine published in Bogotá, Colombia. 2020.
I was commissioned by the magazine to make 1 B&W spread illustration and 2 B&W full-page illustrations for the story titled El último masón, written by colombian author Mauricio Polanco.
Texts by: Fabio Morábito, Mauricio Polanco, Yael Weiss, María Gómez Lara and more.
Illustrations by: Tom Deason, Valentina Mazzanti, Felipe Camargo Rojas and Carlín Díaz.
ISSN: 0122-9273

EL MALPENSANTE – Issue No. 202
Illustrated literature magazine published in Bogotá, Colombia. 2018.
I was commissioned by the magazine to make 2 B&W full-page illustrations for the story titled Reina, esclava o mujer, written by mexican author Fernanda Melchor.
Texts by: Mauricio Polanco, Fernanda Melchor, Lina Alonso, Juan Miguel Álvarez, Harold Muñoz and more.
Illustrations and comics by: Juan Gaviria, Felipe Camargo Rojas, Daniel Liévano and more.
ISSN: 0122-9273

RELOJ DE ARENA – Issue No. 1
Illustration and literature anthology published in Bogotá, Colombia. 2014.
I contributed to this magazine with 1 color full-page illustration titled Abadía en el bosque (Abbey in the forest) for the short story Cuento naranja, written by colombian author Paula Méndez Romero.
Written by: Daniel Acuña, Paula Méndez Romero and more.
Illustrations by: Diego Ayerbe, Gabriela Díaz, Felipe Camargo Rojas, Juliana Ríos, Carolina Rodriguez (Alterlier), Daniel Acuña and more.

Comics anthology zine published in Bogotá, Colombia. 2012.
I contributed to this zine with a 2-page color comic based on Rafael Pombo’s poem Cutufato y su gato (Cutufato and his cat).
Comics written and illustrated by: Camilo Aguirre, Ivanquio, Felipe Camargo Rojas, Nomás, Powerpaola and Wil.

LARVA – Issue No. 16
Comics anthology published in Armenia, Colombia. 2012.
I contributed to this magazine with a 3-page B&W comic about the muse and my creative process in writing titled Historietas solitarias (solitary comics).
Text by: Catalina Holguín Jaramillo.
Comics written and illustrated by: Agustín Paillet, Barsi and Henry Díaz, Berliac, Camilo Aguirre, Felipe Camargo Rojas, Cirianni, Inu Waters, Joni B, Luto, Jim Pluk, Matt Madden, Sol Díaz and more.
ISSN: 1909-9894

Comics newspaper published in Medellín, Colombia. 2012.
I contributed to this publication with 1 color comic strip about memories titled Historietas solitarias (solitary comics.)
Comics written and illustrated by: Truchafrita, Luto and Felipe Camargo Rojas.

PUNTOS – Issue No. 12
Javeriana university’s Visual Arts academic magazine published in Bogotá, Colombia. 2012.
I contributed to this magazine with 1 10-page essay about my graduation project on visual arts titled La unión de mis deseos (the union of my desires.)
Essays by: Camilo Calderón Sánchez, Ronald F. Meléndez Cardona, Lore Ezpeleta Merchán, Felipe Camargo Rojas, Viviana Díaz Barreto and more.
ISSN: 2011-2696

Digital magazine published in Bogotá, Colombia. 2011.
I contributed to this magazine with 1 B&W illustration and with the design for the cover.

Digital magazine published in Bogotá, Colombia. 2010.
I contributed to this magazine with 1 color illustration and the design for the cover.